Children. Yes, my topic today happens to be children. Why? Ohohoho, I will get that to that very shortly. First, I just wanna let you know that brain did not explode and I did not die. Although it was a very busy and tiring weekend, I got through it and it was very rewarding. It feels good to know that I'm doing something for people who need it, while doing something for myself at the same time. The Warrior Dash was absolutely amazing ; We ran a 3k obstacle course - climbing walls, jumping over cars and tires, sliding down poles, walking tight-ropes and best of all, jumping into a pool of mud! Besides that, we got shirts and 'warrior' hats, and I had so much fun! :D

Anyways, back to children. They're bad. Really bad. In about January, coincidentally when I stopped blogging, my six-year old ( or as she would say, six and three quarters ) cousin, Emily, moved in with my family. It's a long story, but in short, her parents are drug addicts ( now in rehab or whatever ) and were not fit to take care of her. After she moved in with my grandparents, but they are getting pretty old now and having to pay a lot of medical bills because my Grandpa is not in the best shape, so she moved in with us. At first I was like, meh, because it was like getting the little sister I never had. I cannot even begin to explain to how wrong I was.

She is a six-year old, maniacal, physchotic, freaky D E V I L. There is no other way to explain it. Ever seen the movie The Orphan? Yeah, that's basically her, expect maybe not the whole actually-30-year-old-crazy-woman disorder. Lemme just tell you a little bit about her. First of all, she's manipulative. Everyone thinks she cute, but she's really not. I honestly don't know what people see in her. She uses her 'cuteness' to get what she wants. Someone tells her no, and her automatic response is the pupppy dog lip and tears i her eyes. Of course, she has to ask Why? or Why not? AGH. Second, she's a freaking demon. She holds her water bottle like a freak and walks around giggling like there's nothing the entire world going on! She chuckles like freaking CHUCKIE! Third, she cries over everything. One time, Joshua got more than her, and she threw a 20 minute long fit. Screaming, bawling, crying for twenty minutes straight. I even got a couple recordings of it. It's really sad - and that was all over OLIVES. Fourth, she never stops asking question, or rather, never shuts up. Oh, you're gonna give me the "she's only six and a half!" crap? If I had a dollar for everytime I heard that, I would have already built her a separate home in my backyard. Fifth, she chews with her mouth open. ALL THE TIME. She's been here for four months, and since day one, we've told her to stop, and she still doesn't. Like, honestly? Sixth, she's always staring at you. I could be just watching TV, minding my own business, look up, and she's WATCHING ME. WITH HER FREAKY DEVIL CHILD EYES. Seventh, she leaves her crap EVERYWHERE. It's bad enough that Jacob and Joshua do it, now we have freakily-large ALIEN shoes and socks and backpacks and papers and other crap laying all over the place. Eighth, and I think I might stop here, she has, like, compulsive lying syndrome. If someone accuses her of something, she either starts crying, says, "Maybe, I don't know." ( Even if she really didn't do it, she's just too stupid to know the answer, which reminds me I have a ninth reason ) or both. Ninth, she is as stupid as dirt. "What is that?" "What does that mean?" "I don't get it." "Why?" "Why not?" SHUT UP. Okay, maybe I sound a little mean, but trust me, if you ever met her, you would wanna kill yourself. Like me. I'm shure there's a million other reason why she's a physchotic little demon, but I'll just leave it at that. You prolly don't wanna know that much about her anyways.. >.<

- Stay Golden forever, 
    Jessica. <
Well, hellooooo! Haven't been on here in a while, eh? jk I'm not Canadian lol. Sorry it's been like four or five months since I last wrote but here I am again! I missed this! Things have changed, lemme tell you that!
I dunno how much I will start blogging but I will try as much as I can because I realized how much I miss writing and how beastly our blog is. (; Anyways, my life has been extremely busy lately, expecially this week. First of all, I have to write a five page research paper that is due on Monday. Second, I have to make a pinata for Spanish that has already taken three days to make. Along with that, I have Biology homework. Then, I have to work with Madison's NJHS to make T-shirts for the Relay for Life we are doing Friday! Whcih goes from 6pm to 6am, so I am going to be extremely tired on Saturday, which is when I have to finish writing my essay. And, all by today, we have to bake brownies, bake cookies, make bracelets and make a banner for Relay for Life. THEN, on Sunday, we have a Warrior Run that is probably going to last all day. Monday is not gonna be a walk through the meadow for me.. .___.
I don't know how I'm going to do all of this in one weekend. Something is wrong with me. If I don't blog, it's probably because I'm dead or my brain exploded... which means I'd be dead so yeah. ;D
Oy vey, Holy cow, Oh my god, WOW! - Mac Millllaaa. <3

- Stay Golden forever, 
    Jessica. <3

Sorry i haven't wrote in a while, been a busy few weeks. 

Most people are afraid to fall in love. Most people don't know the true meaning of love. Most people are ready to give up on love when they are still young. But the truth is, you may find your true love when you're five, ten, fifteen or fifty, you just have to be patient enough to wait for that moment. Some people fall in love with what they see, others with what they hear. it's hard know what love is when you've never even been close to that point before. i think i'm scared to fall in love, because i already know it'll never be easy. Especially if what i actually thought was love, was just some excuse. Someday i'll be able to find the right guy, but until then, i'm gonna keep my head up. Too many people are so focused on being in a relationship, they are so oblivious to everything else that is going on around them ; school, family, friends, those should always come first to a getting a boyfriend / girlfriend. i don't need somebody right now, but if that right guy comes along, and i know that my heart will be safe from hurting, i'll give him a chance. (; You never know, sometimes they just seem to fall right out of the sky. . . <3

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3
Gonna keep this one short - because i really should be asleep right about now. Parents are crazy. Especially mine, in fact, i think mine are bipolar. One minute they are screaming their lungs out at me and the next, they're acting like nothing ever happened. But nevertheless, they find something new everyday to yell at me for. Whether it's for something i did or didn't do, i get yelled at for it. And even when it's something they do too, they don't seem to understand that i'm NOT perfect. And neither are they, and i don't see why they don't get that. All i know is, i cannot WAIT until the day i finally turn eighteen. 

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3
For those of you who are wondering, smd means 'smack my donkey'. Justkidding, i'm not going to tell you the real meaning. (: i honestly want to shoot myself in the face because i have to go back to school tomorrow after a two week break. i am not at all looking forward to getting yelled at, learning pointless stuff that i will most like not need later on in life and getting up at 6 am. For those of you who are, i'm jealous. i wish i had the energy to be EXCITED for something that takes so much time out of my life. The only thing good about school, is getting away from family and getting to see my friends. Some of my friends i didn't get to see for a whole two weeks, and that sucked! And others i got to hangout with quite a few times over break. First quarter went by so fast i kept thinking it was still Summer! But now i'm starting to realize that i have to go back to school tomorrow. YAY. Well i guess i should go get ready for bed now, wish me luck! 

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3 

PS. - Blog updates may not occur as much due to school being back in session, but i will try my best to post every 
Just because someone looks a little bit different, acts a little bit different, does anything a little bit different, was born a little bit different, doesn't mean you should treat them a little bit different. Everyone's different. No one's the same. if you think someone's ugly, well maybe they think you're ugly. No one is every going to be perfect, and no one's even come close to it. 

it is one thing to make fun of someone who has weird hair, or has a big nose, or maybe has couple screws up in their head loose, (; but when you make fun of someone with special needs, you're taking it to a whole new level. When you say something bad about them, you're picking a fight with me. My littler brother Jacob, was born with severe Autism. He just recently turned nine years old, and he can't talk yet. We're still waiting for him to say his first word, and i'm hoping we don't have to wait much longer. He is just the cutest, sweetest, most amazing little kid ever, and i don't know how anyone could EVER say anything about him, Or anybody that is like him. <3 They were born the way they were, and what we say will not change that, and what they do or how they look is not their fault. i think it is SO unfair for these kids to go through what they have to, and for us to treat them like that just makes it even worse for them. i hope someday all these people who say so many bad things about others soon learn that they themselves aren't perfect, just like everybody else. 

- Stay Golden forever,
     Jessica. <3
i'm one of the few people in the world that likes to do just a little bit of everything. Reading, writing and playing my drums are some of the main things. i love to read, especially books that pertain to my interest. Some of the series i really enjoy reading are the House of Night series, Vladimir Tod, Dead is, Blood Ninja, Maximum Ride and an old one : the Land of Elyon. All of these series are A M A Z I N G. <3
i was SO depressed when Vladimir Tod and Land of Elyon books ended, because both kept me reading from start to finish, and i could hardly put them down, or better yet wait to get the next one! 

Now the House of Night series - definite MUST read. So far there have been eight books, and the ninth comes out in about a month! i'm ecstatic! :D it is thrilling ; filled with romance, comedy, drama, suspense, magic, supernatural, VAMPYRES, etc. And some of you may think, "i'm so sick of vampires," but this is a whole new genre of vampires, yeah these vampires don't sparkle. Another absolutely wonderful series you should check out is Maximum Ride. One of my bestfriend's got me into this series a while back, and i thank her so much for that. That series is so incredibly intense, and i cannot wait until i can buy the next book : MAX and after that is Fang, and then Angel. <3 Blood Ninja, was a random book choosing all because i liked the cover, and the fact that it said Ninja on it. :p ONE OF THE BEST DECISIONS I HAVE EVER MADE. i honestly don't how to even describe this book. it's so action-packed and indescribably beautiful with gore and suspense. i still haven't gotten to the second one yet, because of all the books i'm in the proccess of reading, but eventually i'll get to all of them! Until then, make shure you buy those books, i promise you won't regret it! (:

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3
Most of you have siblings, right? if you don't, YOU'RE LUCKY. And if you wish you did, YOU'RE CRAZY. The main thing i'm focusing on here are younger siblings. LITTLE. IMMATURE. CHILDREN. if you have a younger brother or sister, you know exactly what i'm talking about. They do more than just get on your nerves. They bend, break and twist them until you fall apart. Sometimes i think i have the worst of them all. 

My little brother's name is Joshua, he's two and a half years younger than me, and he looks like Justin Bieber - great way to start off, right? NOT. He's terrible. He makes me want to rip people's throats out and give them to flesh-eating zombies. Of course, when they're younger, they never, ever, know when to stop. They just keep pushing, and pulling, and shoving, and ripping, and throwing until YOU are the one that gets in trouble. Not the one who is actually causing you pain or miserableness, but you. i have yet to come up with a strategy to defeat the despair this child causes me, but when i do, i'll let you know. (; So far, all i can do is just agree with every little comment that he makes, whether it's true or not, because he eventually he just shuts up. Today i figured out he decided to steal that from me, after all the times he was saying how stupid it was for me to agree with him. BUT WHATEVER. Maybe someday he'll finally grow up, as will yours. Until then, stay strong - eventually they will learn. 

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3
Welcome to Breath it in, our blog. i'm Jessica, nice to meet you over the internet! (; Well, Madison and i started this blog because it's something we've always wanted to do, and we finally did it! i'm going to be writing about whatever's on my mind that day, whether it has to do with music, family, friends, or just life in general! i'll probably update my blog two or three times a week until i'm back in school, then it will start to slow down once i get even busier. Anyways - hope you like our blogs and continue to read them! :D 

- Stay Golden forever, 
     Jessica. <3