Honestly, I am not one for relationships. Right now i am more focused on schooling and guitar because those are things that will benefit me later in life and will help me with my career choice.  I am not going to put myself out there and act desperate to get a guy.  If i boy i like asks me out I am not going to lie, I will most likely say yes. But my belief is that i have all my life ahead of me to date.  Right now I just want to make sure that i have a good education to support my career later in life.  Call me a nerd, but that is what i believe.
     What do I like in a guy?? The most important thing that i look for in a guy is personality.  They have to have a good personality for me to like them.  I hate guys who are jerks! Looks also help.  I am attracted to long hair and green eyes.  Always have! 
-Be You,
    Madison! <3
P.S. Like our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/Breathitin

And specail thanks to Bailey for the topic 

       Most people listen to the stereotypical pop songs that are all about the same thing either sex, drugs, or drinking.  My musical taste has nothing to do with that.  The music i listen to has requirements for me to like it.  Not only does the song have to have a catchy tune; it has to speak to me, or has to have a deeper meaning.  That is why i absolutely LOVE paramore, their songs are always capable of cheering me up.  Their music get me in a mood that is impossible to explain.Its like I just want to grab my guitar and jam out with them.  Plus, all there songs have a really deep and an intelligent meaning behind them which makes their music irresistible to me.  Another band i enjoy listening to for these reasons is Flyleaf.  Their music enlightens me but it still has the rock feeling that I love.  They have deep Christian meanings that in a way makes me want to be a better person. I could listen to their songs on repeat all day if i could!   Don't get me wrong I like a little bit of everything, even country. It really just matters on the overview of the songs.  

-Be You,
      Madison! <3